Soft Tissue and Bone Grafting - Spring Hill, TN

Protect Your Smile’s Foundation

Create a Strong Foundation for Oral Health

Soft tissue and bone grafting are essential modern dentistry procedures that restore and enhance oral health. At Dentistry by Design, our Spring Hill, TN, dentist, Dr. Richard Robinette, provides top-notch soft tissue and bone grafting to our patients looking to restore their oral health or create a better foundation for dental implants. Our team of dental professionals is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of care and ensuring optimal results for every patient.

What Are Soft Tissue and Bone Grafting?

Soft tissue and bone grafting play a crucial role in dental treatments, particularly in cases where there is insufficient bone or gum tissue to support dental implants or other restorative procedures. 


These grafting techniques help rebuild and strengthen the supporting structures, allowing for successful dental interventions and long-lasting results. By addressing the underlying issues and creating a solid foundation, soft tissue and bone grafting procedures ensure the stability and longevity of dental restorations.

  • Soft tissue grafting involves taking graft material, usually from the patient’s mouth or a tissue bank, and placing it in the areas with gum recession or insufficient gum tissue. This procedure helps to restore a healthy gum line, improve aesthetics, and prevent further gum recession. At Dentistry by Design, Dr. Robinette performs soft tissue grafting with precision and care.
  • Bone grafting is a procedure that involves adding bone or synthetic bone material to areas with insufficient bone volume. This encourages the growth of new bone tissue, strengthening the jawbone and providing a stable foundation for dental implants or other restorations. Dentistry by Design offers advanced bone grafting techniques to restore functionality and aesthetics.

The Soft Tissue and Bone Grafting Processes

Soft Tissue Grafting Process


Before undergoing a soft tissue grafting procedure, Dr. Robinette will conduct a thorough oral examination. He’ll assess the extent of gum recession, evaluate your oral health, and determine the appropriate technique.


On the day of the procedure, you’ll receive a local anesthetic to ensure a comfortable experience. The recipient site, where the graft will be placed, will be carefully prepared. This involves thoroughly cleaning the area and creating a suitable environment for the graft to attach.

Tissue Retrieval

Dr. Robinette will retrieve a small piece of healthy gum tissue, usually from the patient’s palate (roof of the mouth) or another donor site in the mouth. He’ll carefully remove the tissue to preserve its integrity and ensure optimal healing.

Graft Placement

The harvested gum tissue will then be placed at the recipient site with precision. Dr. Robinette will secure the graft in position using sutures or specialized techniques to ensure proper integration with the existing gum tissue.

Healing and Follow-up

After the procedure, you’ll receive detailed post-operative instructions to promote healing and prevent complications. The gum tissue will undergo a healing process, gradually integrating with the existing gum tissue and restoring health and aesthetics. Dr. Robinette will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the healing progress and make any necessary adjustments.


Bone Grafting Process


Before undergoing a bone grafting procedure, Dr. Robinette will evaluate your oral health. This evaluation typically includes a scan of the jawbone using dental imaging techniques such as X-rays or CT scans. This helps determine the extent of bone loss and the specific areas that require grafting.

Bone Graft Selection

Once the evaluation is complete, Dr. Robinette will select the most appropriate type of bone graft material for the patient’s unique needs. There are various types of bone grafts available, including autografts (bone harvested from the patient’s own body), allografts (donor bone obtained from another individual), and synthetic grafts (artificial bone substitutes).

Graft Placement

On the day of the procedure, you’ll receive a local anesthetic to numb the recipient area. Dr. Robinette will then carefully place the selected bone graft material into the areas of the jawbone with insufficient bone volume. He’ll position the graft material to fill the voids and stimulate new bone growth.

Protection and Healing

Once the bone graft is placed, it’s essential to protect the graft site to promote healing. The dentist may cover the graft with a protective membrane or use specialized techniques to secure it. You’ll also receive post-operative instructions on caring for the graft site and minimizing potential complications.


Over time, the bone graft will integrate with your existing bone, creating a strong and stable foundation. The integration process, known as osseointegration, involves the gradual fusion of the graft material with your natural bone. This process typically takes several months, allowing the graft to become fully integrated and ready for dental implant placement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can soft tissue grafting improve the appearance of my smile?

Absolutely! Soft tissue grafting is an excellent solution for enhancing the aesthetics of your smile. By restoring gum tissue and reducing recession, this procedure can create a more harmonious, attractive gum line.


Is bone grafting necessary for dental implant placement?

In many cases, yes. Dental implants require sufficient bone volume and density for successful integration. If you’ve experienced bone loss due to tooth extraction or periodontal disease, bone grafting is often necessary to ensure a strong foundation for your implants.


Are soft tissue and bone grafting painful procedures?

Experienced dental teams should prioritize patient comfort and employ advanced techniques to minimize discomfort during soft tissue and bone grafting procedures. Dentists often administer a local anesthetic to ensure a painless experience, and you can manage postoperative pain with prescribed medications.


How long does the healing process take after grafting?

The healing time varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Generally, it takes several weeks for the graft to integrate and heal fully. Your dentist will provide detailed aftercare instructions to promote optimal healing.

Schedule Your Consultation at Dentistry by Design

Soft tissue and bone grafting are essential procedures that can restore your oral health, enhance the aesthetics of your smile, and provide a solid foundation for dental implants. At Dentistry by Design of Spring Hill, TN, Dr. Robinette and his team are dedicated to delivering exceptional care and helping you achieve optimal oral health. 

Contact our office today by calling 931-486-0700 or filling out our online contact form. We’re always happy to meet new patients from Spring Hill and the surrounding areas of Bethesda, Thompson’s Station, and Jameson, TN. Regain confidence in your smile with Dentistry by Design!

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