CEREC Same-Day Crowns - Spring Hill, TN

Single Day Tooth Restoration with CEREC Technology

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Dr. Robinette

Talks About Advanced Technologies, Techniques, and Instrumentation – Does Your Dentist Have This?

Get Your Tooth Restoration in Just One Visit to Dentistry by Design

Need a dental crown but don’t have time for multiple visits to the dentist? CEREC technology allows Dr. Richard Robinette at Dentistry by Design in Spring Hill, TN, to create and place custom, tooth-colored dental crowns in a single appointment. These natural-looking restorations are as durable as traditional porcelain crowns without the wait! 

Call 931-391-3089 to learn more about these revolutionary dental restorations, and schedule your appointment with our Spring Hill dentist today!

What Is CEREC?

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) is a computer-aided design and manufacturing system for crafting ceramic dental restorations. It employs advanced 3D imaging to capture precise optical impressions of the prepared tooth. Custom crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers are then milled from ceramic blocks that match the shade of the patient’s natural teeth.

Benefits of CEREC Crowns

CEREC crowns offer numerous advantages over conventional crowns:

Candidates for CEREC Crowns

CEREC is well-suited to many applications, including:

  • Single Crowns: An all-ceramic CEREC crown restores form, function, and aesthetics for a damaged tooth.
  • Bridges: Adjacent missing teeth can be replaced with a CEREC bridge anchored to healthy teeth on each end.
  • Inlays and Onlays: CEREC restorations reinforce weakened teeth and rebuild substantial tooth structure. 
  • Veneers: Thin, translucent ceramic facings mask flaws and recreate beautiful smiles.


The CEREC Process at Dentistry by Design

Dr. Robinette guides patients seamlessly through CEREC crown placement in a single appointment:


The tooth is prepared by removing decay and damaged structure. Preparation is conservative, with minimal drilling required.

Optical Impression

An intraoral camera captures 3D optical impressions of the prepared tooth, bite alignment, and opposing teeth.


Dr. Robinette digitally maps out the precise contours and margins for the custom restoration. The shade of surrounding teeth is also measured to achieve an ideal color match.

Milling Unit

We’ll place a ceramic block in the selected shade into the CEREC milling unit. The crown will then be milled to the exact specifications determined during the design phase.


The crown is polished, verified for fit and contacts, and permanently cemented onto the prepared tooth.

With CEREC technology, custom crowns, bridges, onlays, and veneers can be crafted and placed at Dentistry by Design in as little as 60 to 90 minutes.

dental patient using calculator

Caring For CEREC Crowns

Caring for your CEREC restoration is nearly as easy as caring for your natural teeth. Here are Dr. Robinette’s tips for maintaining your stunning smile after CEREC:

  • Brush and floss around the CEREC crown daily. Good oral hygiene is important for keeping the area clean and healthy. Be gentle but thorough around the crown margins.
  • Avoid sticky, hard foods that could dislodge or damage the crown, such as caramel, nuts, popcorn kernels, hard candies, ice, etc. 
  • Use a mouthguard if you grind your teeth at night. This will protect the crown from excessive wear.
  • See our Spring Hill dentist for regular dental cleanings and checkups. We’ll examine the crown and surrounding teeth to ensure the proper fit, function, and health of the tissues. Report any discomfort, roughness, or changes you notice right away.
  • Don’t bite your nails or chew on pencils/pens, as these could crack the crown material. Avoid opening bottles/packages with your teeth.
  • Wear a protective mouthguard when playing sports to shield your teeth and CEREC crowns from trauma.
  • Be gentle with dental floss around the crown area, and use floss threaders if needed to access tight contacts. Never use sharp instruments to pick at the crown.


Frequently Asked Questions


Is it painful to get a CEREC crown?

The tooth preparation and placement process for CEREC crowns is very similar to that of traditional crowns. Like many restorative dental treatments, local anesthetics can help keep patients comfortable throughout the procedure.

Will my CEREC crown be an exact shade match?

CEREC uses a digital shade measurement tool to match the new crown to your surrounding natural teeth. However, achieving an ideal shade match takes artistic skill — if you aren’t satisfied with the crown shade at placement, let your dentist know to discuss adjustment options.

Are there limitations to what CEREC can create?

While excellent for single-unit restorations, CEREC may not be ideal for extensive bridges requiring over four or more crowns. The system also has size limitations, so severely broken down or small teeth can present challenges. Your dentist will advise if CEREC is appropriate for your dental needs.

Is the CEREC crown placement technique sensitive?

Yes — precision scanning, careful attention to design parameters, and gentle handling are imperative to getting a great result with CEREC. Your dentist and staff should have specialty training and routinely attend continuing education courses to stay current on the latest techniques and materials to provide patients with exceptional, natural-looking restorations.


Call Today to Schedule Your CEREC Appointment With Dr. Robinette!

In as little as a morning or afternoon, you can walk out of Dentistry by Design with a custom-crafted, tooth-colored ceramic crown precisely matched to your smile. Call 931-391-3089 now to schedule your CEREC consultation with Dr. Richard Robinette and experience the art and science of same-day dentistry!

We look forward to meeting new and returning patients from Spring Hill and its surrounding areas, such as Thompson’s Station, Jameson, and Bethesda, TN.

Restore, Repair, Regain.

Let us show you what one visit can do for your smile.

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